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    Legacy Donations

    legacy logoThe tradition of legacy giving started in the early days of Silver Sands and continues through to the present. The legacy donation program is for owners, residents, family or friends who would like to make a donation to be used for the benefit of the community. Donations may be from individuals or from groups. Legacy donations are permanent, irrevocable contributions to Silver Sands and are not tax deductible. All gifts are acknowledged on the Legacy Donors Recognition page of the community website unless requested otherwise.

    Donations can be in many different forms and may be general or for a specific purpose such as the purchase of a tree or park bench, funding of a special community project and/or any other board approved gesture, gift or activity. The wishes of donors will be accommodated whenever possible but are subject to HOA policies and practices. The board oversees the program and makes the final decision after consultation with the committees related to the type of donation. Legacy donation guidelines are available here.

    If you have any information about legacy donations that you think should be added to this page, please contact us.


    Clubhouse Kitchen

    Toni and John Kennedy led the effort to raise about $10,000 to build the first kitchen consisting of a refrigerator, stove and a counter with a window. It was known as a "two-butt" kitchen since at most, two people could fit in at once. However, parties thrived with this kitchen for almost 20 years.


    Clubhouse Expansion for Party Room

    The expansion of the clubhouse to add a party room for social events was completed in the spring of 1998. The project was spearheaded in 1996 by Jules Markowitz, one of the original owners, and when he passed away in 1997, Tom Reed and Jerry Alhadeff took over. During the construction the original office was reduced to half its size which opened up the patio, the roof was extended and the entire covered area was enclosed.

    Funding for this project came from homeowners and renters who pulled together and, without any assessments, facilitated the construction of the expansion. About $80,000 was raised through auctions, bonds and contributions. The social committee donated $1,200 to cover the cost of the plans and several thousand dollars worth of electrical work was donated by Tom Reed, a retired electrical contractor. Also, Mike Rachlin donated the sound system which Bob Hancock installed for free. For the dedication of the new clubhouse, Alhadeff had 250 pounds of salmon flown in from southeast Alaska.

    A picture of Markowitz and a plaque with the names of donors were hung in the new facility and the bar area was called "Tom and Jerry" as thanks to Reed and Alhadeff for their efforts.



    Arlene & Roger Bonnell, Audrey & Bob Hancock, Toni Kennedy, Shirley & Chuck Maryatt,Rose & Tom Reed, Silver Sands Homeowners Association

    French Open

    Judy & Jerry Alhadeff, Lolly & Bob Baugh, Adrienne & Clay Blackstock, Betti & Allan Deutsch, Camille & Don Herzfeld, Jean & Bill Higgins, Gloria & Nick Polydoris, Greta & Mike Rachlin, Jean & Wayne Sheneman, Vonne & Andy Smith, Kaye & Ken Solid, Mary & Keith Tuttle, Evie & Don Weaver, Jeannie & Jerry Wellington, Bob Williams, Florence Wulwick

    US Open

    Betty & Darwin Allison, Kristie & Chuck Alm, Bettiann & Lee Anderson, Dorothy & John Anderson, Marjorie & Jack Archer, Mary & Robert Barr, Billie & Bud Blaney, Pearl & Edgar Blumberg, Debby & Ed Byk, Ray Carlson, Lynne & Joe Catron, Fay & Erick Collas, Karen & Bob Dobbs, Nina & John Elsee, Mary & Royce Evans, Maurine & Wright Gary, Gloria & Frank Goodwin, Naomi & Keith Grim, Lita & Howard Harvey, Denise & Ray Highsmith, Douglas R. Hurlbert & Carole Ann Bemtsen, Janie & Joe James, Eva & Clyde Kimball, Judi Kurti, Joan Lasersohn, Jonne & Al Lerner, Gene & Dick Lueck, Denby Mackie, Mrs. Jules Markowitz (Gloria), Rita & Henry Nebeker, Geri & Al O'Conner, Marlene & Gene Pollack, Phyllis & Bob Quick, Marni & Jake Rankin, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Reynolds, Jack Rottler, Flory & Bob Simpson, Miriam & Jim Slatic, Pat & Dave Spriggs, Cheri & Jerry Steketee, Phyllis & John Stone, Lynn & Hal Thompson, Joyce & Victor Veley, Nancy Petersen, Joan Weaver


    "Fix'n the Kitchen" & More

    In April 2008 the social committee organized an auction to raise money to update the existing "two butt" kitchen. Homeowners and businesses donated 120 items including catered dinners, private jet flights, wine and cheese parties, boat cruises and weekend outings to various resorts. The auction raised $25,000 with 150 attendees.

    The success of the auction motivated homeowners to expand the plans to include the relocation and renovation of the kitchen, pro shop, front patio and washroom facilities. The expanded project had an estimated cost of $120,000 which was mostly funded by personal donations from more than 60 homeowners. The remodel was completed in May 2009.

    The working committee comprised Bob Simpson, Gil Schroeder, Jerry Mathews, Carolyn Norman and Don Morford, with design help from Renate Mock, Margaret Wright, Marilyn Morford, and Sherry Schroeder. Project support services were provided by Roger Johnson (contractor), Kurt Shupe (architect) and Lee Borre (handyman).


    $25,000: Silver Sands Social Committee (Auction); $5,000: George & Betty Bovis; $2,000: Ron & Sheila Raczynski, Don & Marilyn Morford, Marty & Sue Mayer; Bob & Lorraine Weber; Dick & Gene Lueck, John & Arian Davis, Don & Evie Weaver, Don & Barbara Rottler, Duane & Jan Gleaves, Ken & Kay Solid, Bud & Sondra Hossfeld, Lou & Margaret Wright, Jerry & Sarah Mathews, Toni Kennedy, Kennet Frodle, Bob & Audrey Hancock, Gil & Sherry Schroeder, Bill & Jean Higgins, Phil & Sue Keibertz, John & Phyllis Stone, Nick & Gloria Polydoris, Bob & Carolyn Norman, Skip & Sandy Kachlein, Bruce & Camille Winter, Keith & Naomi Grim, J.J. Wallerstein, Don & Ann Davis, Bob & Flory Simpson, Don & Rita Rush, Roger & Arlene Bonnell; $1,500: Jim & Renate Mock; $1,000: Carole Haney, Dan & Jan Trimper, Joe & Janie James, Charles & Kay Maryatt; $500: Bud & Billie Blaney, Bob & Mickie Longman; $200: Ron & Linda Neubauer; $150: Andy Dolan; $100: Dave & Barbara Egol.


    Tennis Court Benches

    In 2011, the tennis benches on all eight courts were well past retirement age and were replaced at no cost to the Association. Under the leadership of Bob Simpson, homeowners were given the opportunity to underwrite the cost of a bench to be dedicated or memorialized to a special person. Pledges were received for all of the benches and each one has an engraved plaque indicating the donor name and to whom the bench is dedicated.


    Sarah & Jerry Mathews, Sondra & Bud Hossfeld, Bob Simpson (in memory of Flory Simpson), Audrey Hancock (in memory of Bob Hancock), Evie Weaver and Family (In memory of Don Weaver), Camille Herzfeld (in memory of Don Herzfeld), John & Phyllis Stone, Don & Marilyn Morford & Ann Davis (in memory of Don Davis)


    Park Benches

    Two park benches were donated by Vintage Landscape: one in the greenbelt area near the south end of Verde adjacent to the back gate and one in the area at the north end above the tennis courts.


    Clubhouse Decor Update

    In 2017-2018, the clubhouse was renovated with most of the funds coming from the HOA as it was determined that every owner would benefit from the project. However, towards the end, the social committee was asked to raise between $10,000 and $12,000 to help buy some furniture, artwork and other decor to finish the space. The subcommittee was Lynn Philpot, Sharon McMillian, Carolyn Norman and Marilyn Morford.


    Jim & Lynn Philpot, Bob & Carolyn Norman, Jim & Renate Mock, John & Arian Davis, Bryan & Carolyn Bennett, Forrest & Cherryl Bailey, Bruce & Camille Winter, Jerry & Sarah Mathews, Peter Thompson, Bruce & Sarah Zender, Nancy Townsend, Joe & Betty Kay Bordeaux, Jim & Geri Buchman, Phil & Susie Evans, Kim & Margie Florence, Michael Healey, Bob & Diane Thomas, George & Betty Bovis, Don & Rita Rush


    Pickleball Viewing Benches

    Three benches have been donated for the viewing area by the pickleball courts.


    Bruce & Camille Winter (in gratitude to Pat & Barb Carey), Don & Rita Rush (in memory of Bruno Meyer), The Nelson Family

    Pickleball Ball Machine


    Silver Sands Pickleball Players (demonstrated by Greg Hine)

    Pickleball Bike Rack

    Donated by Rita Rush (in memory of Don Rush)


    Dick Lueck Memorial Palm Garden at Pool 10

    Donated by Silver Sands Friends

    Karcher Court Sweeper

    Donated by Jeff Asay


    Geri Buchman Memorial Terrace

    The Geri Buchman Memorial Terrace, between courts 1 and 5, celebrates Geri's love for tennis and lasting impact on our community. Funded by homeowner generosity, it provides a welcoming space for relaxation and connection, symbolizing the kindness and community spirit of Silver Sands.


    Marty & Sue Mayer, Linda Miller, Ace Strong, Pat & Jim Johnston, John Esdaile & Jane Bern, Bruce & Camille Winter, Dorothy Stewart, John & Sue Gloag, Wayne & Kathy Dickinson, Mark & Arlene Renney, Bob & Jane Meston, Mark Spencer & Susan Vance, Mike Armstrong & Linda Stevens, Grant & Susan Steeves, Alan Osborne & Laura Black, Mark & Deborah Fast, Bryan & Carolyn Bennett, Dwayne & Suzanne Mann, Paul & Barb Shelley, Phil & Ivy Morritt, Paul Kaupas & Jane Rogerson, Dale Rickard & Miriam Kresivo, Marlowe & Irene Pelletier, Sonda Hossfeld, Jay & Tracy Schlegel, Ray & Nancy Jacoby, Neil Jacoby & Karen Brown, Steve & Beth Mullin, Barbara Cayne Hendelman, Greg & Lyn Biette, Chris & Jody Nyvall, Samuel & Sandra Comerchero, Tom Reier & Christine Cason, Tom Herbst & Ann Habeger, Daniel & Kate Allard, Jim Buchman, Daryl & Susan Johnson, Jon Terpening & Marcia Pitch 


    If you have any information about legacy donations that you think should be added to this page, please contact us.

    Download the Legacy Donation Guidelines and application form.

    About Silver Sands

    Silver Sands Racquet Club is a beautifully-landscaped community of 256 townhomes built around generous greenbelts and 15 pools and spas with magnificent views of the San Jacinto mountains. It has active tennis, pickleball and social programs.

    Contact Us

    Front Gate

    74155 Country Club Drive

    Palm Desert, CA 92260



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    Desert Resort Management

    42-635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103

    Palm Desert, CA 92211
