By Diane Thomas on Thursday, 13 March 2014
Category: Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Plans Survival Kit Vendor Fair

Mark your calendar for Saturday March 15, 2014 9 – 11 AM for an opportunity to purchase your Survival Kit for emergency preparedness.  Our Board of Directors has approved vendor Allen Frischer of Disaster Survival Kits to present his products in a display outside our Clubhouse.  The Lakes and Sun City Shadow Hills recently had vendor fairs showing Allen’s products.   SSRC residents will receive a discount as HOA members; checks and cash are preferred but credit cards accepted.  Check out available supplies at:    If desired, you can email SS Emergency Preparedness Chair Diane Thomas at with the items you plan to purchase and Allen will bring them that day thus saving a delivery fee.    

No endorsement by SSRC HOA  is given or implied for products supplied by visiting vendors.