By Site Administrator on Monday, 07 December 2020
Category: The Update

Homeowner Directory Update Underway

The annual update of the 2021 printed Silver Sands Homeowner Directory has begun. It is critical that homeowners verify their individual information. This is a separate project conducted by volunteers, not our management firm. Unless we hear otherwise, the information in the current directory will be printed in the new directory.

How to Review Your Listing

  1. Open the the current directory which is at Community/Homeowner Directory/Printed Directory on the website.
  2. Be sure to check your information both in the alphabetical listing in the first section of the directory and by street address at the end.
  3. If there are multiple owners with different last names, there will be a listing for each in the alphabetical section - please check all owner names.
  4. Changes must be submitted by December 28 via email to

Note: We have been collecting changes submitted since the previous printing last January but feel free to resubmit your information.

Information for full time renters may be included in the printed directory upon request of the homeowner. Contact information for seasonal renters is not included in the printed directory but can be included in the online directory on the Silver Sands website.

Thank you for your attention in making sure your information is correct. If you have any questions please send them to

Communications Committee

PS: Please note that you may receive this message twice as it is being sent using two different distribution lists to ensure we reach as many people as possible. You only need to send in corrections once.