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    Ad Hoc Landscape Planning

    Fallen Palms


    Five palms lost their heads at Silver Sand in the past several weeks. There was no damage to people, homes, structures, or cars. It is too soon to know the causes for this, but we have been advised we are not the only valley community to lose palms in the last few months. Two of the affected palms are behind the fountain (weeks apart) and the other three are on La Jolla, Marbella and the clubhouse parking circles.

    The Landscape Committee has an ongoing palm risk assessment program which began in 2014. We are in the process of getting approval for a new vendor to assess the palms and are awaiting Board approval of our choice. This new vendor will do a level 2 Risk Assessment and provide a report. The report will detail areas of concern which will include conditions of tree trunks, heads, fronds, watering conditions and any sign of fungus or bug infestations among many other indicators of tree health.

    The Landscape Committee will share more information as it becomes available.

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      351 Hits

    Landscaping Update


    Just like everyone else, Sunshine Landscape has had workers hit with COVID-19. To help compensate for missing workers, the rotation schedule has been altered for a few weeks. The gardeners are working as a team and going from one area to the next, working on the back and front of homes. Don't forget we had a good rain recently and weeds love the water just as much as plants. "Raindrops do not choose what they nourish."

    You may have noticed the mowing schedule changed this last week. That was also because of workers with COVID-19.

    Plants like Lantana and Bougainvillea and some others will not be pruned for a few weeks until all danger of a sudden frost is over. This is standard practice. As soon as possible, these plants will be pruned. The plants may look like they had a bad haircut if frost damaged branches need to be trimmed but they recover quite quickly.

    Spraying for weeds in grass will begin soon and is on the schedule.

    A reminder for everyone:
    If you spot a dead plant, a sprinkler without a plant, wayward cactus, branches brushing roof tops for instance, please send in a work request to Desert Resort Management. You can do this from the SSRC website or using the TownSq app.


    1. Open the TownSq app on your device or go to: on your computer.
    2. Log in.
    3. From the left side menu choose "Requests".
    4. Next, choose, "Open Request" by clicking green button on the right side of screen.
    5. Fill the request form, choosing "Landscape" from the category list. Briefly describe the issue. Append a photo if possible.
    6. Click "Open a Request".

    By using Town Square you are helping to track landscape issues.

    SSRC Website

    1. Log in to the website at
    2. Click on Support/Maintenance/Maintenance Requests from the top menu.
    3. Complete the online form.
    4. Click "Submit".

    These requests are received by our onsite supervisor each morning. If the onsite supervisor has a question, he calls one of the landscape co-chairs for direction.

    Landscape Committee

      215 Hits

    Holiday Decorations Reminder


    A gentle reminder that January 10th is the deadline for removing lights and other holiday decorations from all exclusive use common areas.

    Sections 10.11/b. ii/ B and C of the Silver Sands HOA rules outline in detail the restrictions on holiday and other seasonal decorations.

    Holiday lights and decorations may be displayed from Thanksgiving weekend to January 10th.
    Other seasonal decorations are permitted provided they are displayed and removed in a timely manner which is defined as ten days before the occasion and four days after.

    Thank you to all homeowners for your cooperation.

      207 Hits

    Landscape Committee Meeting Date Change


    The Landscape Committee has changed the next landscape monthly meeting to Wednesday March 3, 2021 1-3 pm. Homeowners are invited to attend and will be given five minutes at the beginning of the meeting to address the committee with questions, concerns and suggestions. Homeowners are welcome to stay at the meeting after the open forum to listen only, unless called upon by the chairperson. Instructions for joining the meeting are below.

    Thank you,
    Landscape Committee


    Time: Mar 3, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Click here to join the Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 912 6612 6844

    Passcode: 791003

    One tap mobile

    +1 346 248 7799  912 6612 6844#   *791003# US (Houston)

    +1 253 215 8782  912 6612 6844#   *791003# US (Tacoma)

    Dial by your location

            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

            +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

            +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    Click here to find your local number.

      185 Hits

    Bougainvillea Pruning


    During this landscape maintenance cycle Sunshine Landscaping is going to be a little more aggressive with the pruning of bougainvilleas. They will not be trimmed  down to a stub, just a little more than usual. They will still be green and have some flowers but will not have a natural shape, as shown in the photo. This needs to be done before the summer because they grow so much in the warm weather they look overgrown in a very short period of time. After this pruning they will be left to grow out in their natural shapes. 

    Landscape Committee

      205 Hits

    About Silver Sands

    Silver Sands Racquet Club is a beautifully-landscaped community of 256 townhomes built around generous greenbelts and 15 pools and spas with magnificent views of the San Jacinto mountains. It has active tennis, pickleball and social programs.

    Contact Us

    Front Gate

    74155 Country Club Drive

    Palm Desert, CA 92260



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    Desert Resort Management

    42-635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103

    Palm Desert, CA 92211
