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    Turf Buy Back Landscape Committee Meeting


    Landscape Committee Meeting

    December 2nd

    1:00 PM at the Club House.

    All meetings are open to homeowners. 

    Homeowners will have one (1)  five ( 5) minute opportunity to address the Landscape Committee.

    If you wish to comment but cannot attend the meeting your concise email comments and suggestions will be transcribed and available to Landscape Committee members.

    The meeting topic is the Turf Buy Back project funded in part by the City of Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley Water District.

    Photos of the areas included in Turf Buy Back project are on display in the Club House meeting room, as they were at the Board Meeting of November 25th. 

    Copies of the proposal are available in the Club House meeting room.

    Thanks, Barbara Wall, Landscape Chair

      154 Hits

    Emergency Preparedness Plans Survival Kit Vendor Fair

    Mark your calendar for Saturday March 15, 2014 9 – 11 AM for an opportunity to purchase your Survival Kit for emergency preparedness.  Our Board of Directors has approved vendor Allen Frischer of Disaster Survival Kits to present his products in a display outside our Clubhouse.  The Lakes and Sun City Shadow Hills recently had vendor fairs showing Allen’s products.   SSRC residents will receive a discount as HOA members; checks and cash are preferred but credit cards accepted.  Check out available supplies at:    If desired, you can email SS Emergency Preparedness Chair Diane Thomas at with the items you plan to purchase and Allen will bring them that day thus saving a delivery fee.    

    No endorsement by SSRC HOA  is given or implied for products supplied by visiting vendors.

      50 Hits

    November 2014, Landscape News

    November 2014, Landscape News

    The Landscape Committee met for the first time this season, on November 11, 2014. Over the Summer, Sunshine Landscape Company worked with members of the landscape committee to complete projects that had been approved by the Board of Directors (BOD). The Landscape Committee is charged with maintaining all community property so that it looks well groomed and attractive on a year round basis.

    As part of the required maintenance at Silver Sands Racquet Club (SSRC), forty, (40) front garden beds, which had barren areas where plants had been removed and not replaced, were replanted with low water, desert plants. Some landscape boulders were added (no water, no maintenance, no pruning).


    IMG 4397 HDR


    IMG 5426 HDR

    Twenty (20) Side yards and corridors were upgraded with curbing, new desert adapted plants, desert gold ground cover and boulders. All side yard corridors and freshly planted gardens were upgraded to low water use irrigation.

    Sixty, (60) homeowners paid to have curbing added to their front gardens. Four thousand five hundred and fifty (4,550) linear feet of curbing was added this summer. A number of homeowners put in their own curbing as part of their custom landscape projects. Forty, (40) of the newly curbed homes also chose to have desert gold (DG) installed in the front garden beds. Our management company, Desert Resort Management (DRM) billed each homeowner for the desert gold.

    Two hundred and fifty, (250) tons of desert gold was used in side yards, front garden beds, and to refresh the fountain, front entrance beds, and other bare areas until we ran out of DG. This will ongoing as part of community maintenance.

    The palm tree replacement sub committee, Ken Whitaker, Fred Appleton and Paul Lorenz, identified areas for palm tree replacement. Four (4) Date Palm trees were planted at the front gate, eight California palms were planted around the club house area. Some of the smaller Mexican palms that were planted did not thrive and were removed. Sunshine is crediting us for those trees.

    An opportunity to apply for Turf Buy Back funds from the City of Palm Desert and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) appeared in
    The Desert Sun newspaper. The idea of applying seemed sound for several reasons. The Governor has declared the current water shortage, a statewide emergency.  The CVWD is asking for 20% reduction in water use. CVWD has plans to reduce the cost benefit communities such as ours currently receive during seasonal over seeding. SSRC had an opportunity for grants to help with re-landscaping that would reduce water usage, water damage to infrastructure such as walls, streets, curbs, cars and power pedestals. Desert landscaping reduces lawn mowing, seeding, fertilizing, and labor. Low water usage dribblers can reduce water runoff.

    Two (2) Ten thousand, square foot (10,000) parcels along inside and outside community walls were identified. The Silver Sands Parkway, outside the back gate, is a continuation of landscape modernization begun on Country Club and Portola in years past. Smaller, narrow parcels are along upper Verde and Acapulco were also selected. The BOD was notified. Sunshine and DRM prepared the applications for the City of Palm Desert and CVWD, then delivered the applications to the appropriate agencies at the specified date in August. At the October 28, 2014 Board meeting, it was announced by our DRM representative, that SSRC had received the grants. In Executive session the BOD approved accepting the grants.


    The landscape application form has been updated and will be available on line at the new SSRC Website or at the Desert Resort Management Office. Please DO NOT leave them at the front gate. Thanks.


    When you notice a missing plant, see evidence of ants or other insects damaging the landscape, notice lights not working in the common area or pool areas, just some of numerous things you might notice, send an email to the above address. These items get logged in, routed appropriately, and reported to the BOD.

    Landscape Committee members will be doing a weekly drive around with our work crew manager. We have set up a protocol for the gardeners to report missing plants. Replacement plants will be ordered every two weeks where appropriate.

    The next meeting of the Landscape Committee is December 2, 2014, 1:00PM, at the Club House. Everyone is welcome at attend.

      473 Hits

    Nominating Committee Update


    The Silver Sands Board of Directors has appointed the following as members of the Nominating Committee: Jerry Mathews, Carol Whitaker and Gary Reed.

    There will be one three-year Board position to be filled by election of the members at the February 2015 Annual HOA Meeting.

    The Nominating Committee will present its' final nominations to the Board by the December 2014  Board Meeting.

    By November 15, 2014 a member can make written application through Jerry Mathews, Chair of the Nominating Committee, to nominate another member (with that person's consent to serve as a director) or self-nominate to serve as a candidate for election to the board.

      114 Hits

    About Silver Sands

    Silver Sands Racquet Club is a beautifully-landscaped community of 256 townhomes built around generous greenbelts and 15 pools and spas with magnificent views of the San Jacinto mountains. It has active tennis, pickleball and social programs.

    Contact Us

    Front Gate

    74155 Country Club Drive

    Palm Desert, CA 92260



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    Desert Resort Management

    42-635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103

    Palm Desert, CA 92211
