Silver Sands will be treated for Red Imported Fire Ants on Friday, May 28.
Technicians are scheduled to arrive between 6:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to begin treatment throughout the community.
All irrigation will be shut off no later than 9 p.m. the evening before treatment and will be left off until 9 p.m. the day of treatment.
No landscaping projects and/or mowing to be done on the day of treatment.
If you have any pets, please keep them indoors or in a secure enclosed area outdoors as a precaution while the technicians are on property for safety precautions.
Product Information
Control products are water soluble and will render ineffective when in contact with water.
The control products used are made at a very low dosage, enough to kill an ant and will not harm pets.
For more information regarding the treatment, contact:
Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District
Toll-Free: 888-343-9399
District Office: 760-342-8287
Fax: 760-775-0196