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    Homeowner Directory on the Wesbite


    The 2021 Silver Sands Homeowner Directory is now available on the website.
    To view or download the directory, select the Community tab on the main menu, select Homeowner Directory and then select Printed Directory in the dropdown menu.

    Additional copies of the printed directory are available for $5. To arrange a pick up, please send an email to

      187 Hits

    Homeowner Directory - Last Chance to Review!


    The near-final version of the 2021 Homeowner Directory is ready for a final review. Please follow the directions below to make sure your listing in the new directory is correct. If there are any changes, please submit them by Thursday, January 14 to

    How to Review Your Listing

    1. Go to this link to see the proof of the 2021 directory.
    2. Be sure to check your information in two places in the directory: the alphabetical listing in the first section of the directory, and by street address at the end.
    3. If there are multiple owners with different last names, there will be a listing for each in the alphabetical section - please check all owner names.
    4. Changes must be submitted by Thursday, January 14 via email to

    Thank you for your attention in making sure your information is correct. If you have any questions please send them to

    Communications Committee

      196 Hits

    Silver Sands Holiday Lights


    Need some Christmas spirit? If you are in residence at Silver Sands, take a walk up to the fountain after dark and check out the whimsical tree display imagined by Barb Taylor and Sue Mayer and installed with the help of Lee Rampley and Paul Shelley.

    The board thanks each of them for their effort and ingenuity.

    We hope that you like the new look which was created to bring a welcome display of brightness for the holiday season at Silver Sands.

      200 Hits

    Homeowner Directory Update Underway


    The annual update of the 2021 printed Silver Sands Homeowner Directory has begun. It is critical that homeowners verify their individual information. This is a separate project conducted by volunteers, not our management firm. Unless we hear otherwise, the information in the current directory will be printed in the new directory.

    How to Review Your Listing

    1. Open the the current directory which is at Community/Homeowner Directory/Printed Directory on the website.
    2. Be sure to check your information both in the alphabetical listing in the first section of the directory and by street address at the end.
    3. If there are multiple owners with different last names, there will be a listing for each in the alphabetical section - please check all owner names.
    4. Changes must be submitted by December 28 via email to

    Note: We have been collecting changes submitted since the previous printing last January but feel free to resubmit your information.

    Information for full time renters may be included in the printed directory upon request of the homeowner. Contact information for seasonal renters is not included in the printed directory but can be included in the online directory on the Silver Sands website.

    Thank you for your attention in making sure your information is correct. If you have any questions please send them to

    Communications Committee

    PS: Please note that you may receive this message twice as it is being sent using two different distribution lists to ensure we reach as many people as possible. You only need to send in corrections once.

      207 Hits

    New Pickleball Restrictions


    In order to comply with Riverside County standards, no more than two foursomes may play pickleball at any time until further notice. As well, the two foursomes must be on opposite sides of the large dividing net.

    To address this reduction in court capacity, the board has approved the emergency use of the adjacent tennis court (court 3) for pickleball play. Two courts have now been taped onto court 3. They are numbered court 10 and court 12 so when you use the online booking system, courts 9 and 11 will be the kitty - corner courts on court 2, and courts 10 and 12 will be the two courts on court 3.

    Please note that court 3 will revert to tennis use while courts 6 & 7 are closed for resurfacing. This is expected to happen in mid- December.

    We ask that all players abide by the new guidelines - no one wants to be a policeman. If a third foursome is found to be playing on court 2, the board will remove the nets from the two remaining courts.
    In addition, masks must be worn during play, as the board feels that players cannot stay six feet apart while playing doubles on a pickleball court. A mask must cover your nose and mouth at all times. Playing with a mask on your chin or under your nose does not provide adequate protection. We ask that everyone show enough concern for their neighbors and friends to wear their masks appropriately at all times while on the courts.

    The Board of Directors

      206 Hits

    About Silver Sands

    Silver Sands Racquet Club is a beautifully-landscaped community of 256 townhomes built around generous greenbelts and 15 pools and spas with magnificent views of the San Jacinto mountains. It has active tennis, pickleball and social programs.

    Contact Us

    Front Gate

    74155 Country Club Drive

    Palm Desert, CA 92260



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    Desert Resort Management

    42-635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103

    Palm Desert, CA 92211
