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    COVID-19 Updates

    Town Hall Meeting - Vision 2025


    Thursday, March 11, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Via Zoom

    This is the second town hall arranged by the board to facilitate communication about the proposed Vision 2025 Infrastructure Plan. The board and committee heads will be in attendance to make presentations, hear homeowner questions and comments and to provide answers and explanations. Due to the virtual format for the town hall, homeowner input can also be submitted ahead of time via email and will be read at the meeting. Please send to prior to 5 p.m. on Tuesday March 9, 2021.

    In person attendance will not be permitted. Owners may join the meeting via Zoom. Click here to launch Zoom and use the following log in information:

    Meeting ID: 970 1922 7461
    Passcode: 327876

    One tap mobile

    +1 346 248 7799,,97019227461#,,,,*327876# US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 6833,,97019227461#,,,,*327876# US (San Jose)

    Dial by your location

           +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
           +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
           +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
           +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
           +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
           +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


    • Introduction
    • Vision 2025 Infrastructure Plan
    • Homeowner “Question & Answer”

     Board of Directors

      198 Hits

    Photo Drone Flight Week of Feb. 22


    Conditions permitting, in the next several days community member Greg Hine will be flying a photo drone over the mid-numbered addresses on Galicia as part of the inspection and documentation of our roofs, gutters and pools. Flights generally take place mid-day, and could be postponed due to wind, weather, or other issues which might arise. There is nothing you need to do to prepare for these flights, this is just a “heads up”.

    This flight is at the direction of the Board of Directors. Please be aware that the taking off, operating or landing of “drones” (small, unmanned, remote controlled vehicles, UAS’s, UAV’s, RC aircraft, etc) is not permitted in the community without specific permission from the Board of Directors.    

    If you have any questions or comments, please contact Greg at: / 303-956-2119

    Board of Directors

      167 Hits

    Sign Up Online for 2021 Committees by Feb. 15


    Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to serve on a committee. Committees are an important part of Silver Sands. Some of them help to keep the HOA functioning smoothly while others build community by fostering social interactions. All provide opportunities for teamwork, problem solving and creativity.

    If you are looking at options for a good fit, the table below highlights the major responsibility for each committee. Interest in a particular area is more important than experience and training is provided. Also, many of the committees meet via Zoom or conduct business mostly by email so “away” owners can still volunteer and participate.

    Due to COVID-19 restrictions the annual committee signup is being done online this year. The committee chairs and members are appointed by the board following the annual meeting, set for Feb. 20. Remember, you must sign up even if you are currently on a committee.  Send your name, contact information (phone, alternate phone and email) and name of committee(s) to by Feb. 15. If you are willing to serve as the chair of a committee, please include this as well.

      208 Hits

    Clubhouse Patio Open


    We have arranged to have three tables on the clubhouse patio. They will be arranged six feet apart to meet social distance requirements. If you use the patio, please observe the following Riverside County rules:

    • Masks and physical distancing required.
    • No more than three separate households may attend (including the hosts).
    • Gatherings should be two hours or less.
    • Those with COVID symptoms must not attend.
    • Those at high risk of severe illness are strongly encouraged not to attend.
    • Singing, shouting, chanting, cheering, or exercising strongly discouraged.

    Linda Kluy
    Board President.

      194 Hits

    Silver Sands Featured in Local Magazine


    Silver Sands is featured in the February edition of Quorum, the Community Association Institute (CAI) magazine. The article was prepared by Marilyn Ramos who works for one of the Association’s business partners. The photographer, Rodney Bissell, expressed appreciation for our ample green space and the variations in topography which are atypical for the area and make Silver Sands very photogenic.

    Also in the magazine is the questionnaire for the Medallion Community Program which details all of the areas that are important in the successful management and growth of a community. If you ever wondered about what is involved, this list of questions will provide some answers. In particular it reflects the amount of work that is performed by the board, committees and management firm working together towards the common goal of a top-notch community.

    Read the article in the February edition of Quorum Magazine.

      200 Hits

    About Silver Sands

    Silver Sands Racquet Club is a beautifully-landscaped community of 256 townhomes built around generous greenbelts and 15 pools and spas with magnificent views of the San Jacinto mountains. It has active tennis, pickleball and social programs.

    Contact Us

    Front Gate

    74155 Country Club Drive

    Palm Desert, CA 92260



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    Desert Resort Management

    42-635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103

    Palm Desert, CA 92211
