It has been brought to our attention that the link to the email address in the last eblast was not connected properly and has now been fixed. We are getting a good response to ensure that the information in the 2020 directory is correct.
Please note that the attached document is a “working copy” and that the formatting will be added during the next stage of production of the directory.
Your Help is Still Needed!
Please click here to review your listing for the 2020 directory.
The working copy of the directory has been updated with the changes received to date and we are once again asking for your help to ensure the information is correct by checking your listing.
How to Review Your Listing
- Open this link to see an updated preview of the directory. (Please note that this has not been formatted).
- When you review your contact information you need to look in two places: the alphabetical listing in the first section of the directory and by street address at the end.
- If there are multiple owners with different last names, there will be a listing for each in the alphabetical section so please check all of them.
- If any changes are required they must be submitted by Sunday, February 9 at 6:00 p.m. by email to
The preparation of the directory has been very challenging as most of the records for previous issues were inaccurate and/or unavailable. We have worked to compile information from Desert Resort Management as well as the information from our Silver Sands website.
Thank you for your attention in making sure your information is correct. If you have any changes or questions please send them to as soon as possible.
Communications Committee
Board of Directors